Monday 15 February 2016

Hackers are selling your Netflix password for a measly $0.25

Account information can be obtained by outside parties in any number of ways, including phishing, which involves getting a user to divulge account information under false pretense – in a fake email, for example. Infostealer Banload secretly downloads, then steals banking information from the infected computer. “We have observed malware and phishing campaigns targeting Netflixusers’ information”.

Symantec cautions Netflix users that hackers have started a Netflix pilfering campaign, and that their personal info might be at risk. The scammers trying to steal Netflix subscription details so they can sell the information in extremely cheap price.

There are so many stolen Netflix credentials out there that Payet’s screenshots of online black markets include an ad for a tool called “NetflixGenerator” that spits out freshly compromised credentials in bulk, for people who want to resell those credentials to end users. For the full article click here 

from hacker samurai

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