Tuesday 20 September 2016

Car hackers found a way to trigger a Tesla’s brakes from miles away

A group of security researchers have found a way to remotely hack into Tesla cars and play havoc with their settings — unlocking doors, adjusting chairs, triggering indicator lights, and even activating the brakes from miles away.

The Chinese research team, from the Keen Security Lab at Tencent, first privately disclosed their findings to Tesla, and are only publishing the details now it has been patched.

There’s no evidence that anyone ever maliciously used this vulnerability to target Tesla cars — but it’s still a terrifying reminder of the risks that face internet-connected vehicles.

How did it work? According to a statement Tesla provided to The Verge, the targeted vehicle needed to be connected to a malicious Wi-Fi network, and using the web browser. If it is, then the hacker can take control — no physical access to the vehicle required. It affected vehicles including the Model S, that used (then-)up-to-date firmware. For the full article click here 

from hacker samurai http://ift.tt/2cAnoPO

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