Thursday, 15 October 2015

Wikileaks releases TPP agreement which gives more rights to film studios over copyright

IF YOU have ever downloaded, or more importantly uploaded movies, TV shows and music, be scared. Be very scared.

According to a leaked version of the highly secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership deal, rights holders such as Hollywood studios could soon be able to sue you for lots of money.

Wikileaks posted what it says is a leaked version of the agreementthat would not only force internet Service Providers to hand over the details of illegal downloaders to the big studios (rights holders), but they will also be required to keep track of persistent pirates and dob them in.

More alarmingly, the leaked TPP document says that it wants all the countries signed up to the deal to basically change their laws to make it easier for the studios to take copyright infringers to court and seek undisclosed damages.

Just how much a person would be liable, the document says, would depend on the nature of the infringement with a “pre-established damages” framework to be put in place but one that “would be sufficient to compensate the right holder for the harm caused by the infringement, and with a view to deterring future infringements”. For the full article click here 

from hacker samurai

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