Tuesday, 3 November 2015

The Drone Papers, or Information At Any Cost?

On October 15, The Intercept published a series of article called The Drone Papers. Using several documents leaked by an anonymous whistleblower, the journalists explored the US drone system’s functioning as well as its moral and legal implications. They reached a very critical conclusion: “Washington’s 14-year high-value targeting campaign suffers from an overreliance on signals intelligence, an apparently incalculable civilian toll, and — due to a preference for assassination rather than capture — an inability to extract potentially valuable intelligence from terror suspects.”

These revelations have been then relayed by numerous medias, and some people voiced their will to bring changes to the US drone policy. For example, Steven J. Barela, an assistant law professor at the University of Geneva, put forward the idea of creating a “drone court”, in which the executive branch would no longer have the full authority to order a strike since it would need the approval of the judiciary branch.

As it is usually the case when classified documents leak, The White House refused to comment, and The Intercept refused to give details about their source. For the full article click here 

from hacker samurai http://ift.tt/1H1U3LH

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