By Tom Blane
China is a virus and it is parasitically entwining its toxicity into western nations. Don’t be naïve, those of us on the front lines protecting our Nation’s cyber infrastructure know that China is number one in corporate espionage, ID theft, credit card theft, PII theft, health record theft and zero day/malware invasion. These eastern parasites have contaminated and destroyed the soil and air of their crusty nation and now their eyes focus on us for their corrosive talons to sink into. They used to just want your job, now they want your way of life and your identity.
The Chinese virus lacks oil so they economically entwine their nation into the threads of developing eastern European countries like a shylock. They have militias throughout Africa to extend their toxic users to compromise natural resources such as oil, diamonds, gold and water. They have destroyed their country’s soil to the point of impossible use therefore they are raping nutrients from the soil of their host, just like a parasite, and sending what they grow back to their mother land for distribution. They leave nothing for the locals whose agricultural community they rape and pillage. They started this in Africa and, well who cares about Africa, but they are now moving west.
China can buy from us all day long as the trade deficit will always yield in their favor. The deficit isn’t something that I’m interested in debating at this time rather the toxicity of their cyber intrusion is what I want to focus on. Notorious for breeding like flies their reproduction was temporarily under control for a short time, now they are back to breeding like live stock which means they need economic capacity to survive with an altered population. They haven’t the capacity to create, therefore they are addicted to theft. They will steal anything and everything digital that can be sold, compromised and re-engineered for economic gain. They invade virtually the same way they fought Korea, by sheer volume. They fought Korea by giving millions of human parasites a hand full of bullets and a gun, most died but those who could knock off an enemy troop or two before they died made the volume of troops work in their favor. They hack innocent corporations in the same manner.
Let’s face it, for the most part the Chinese are pretty stupid. Don’t mistake the few Chinese who do well in our schools and then go to college for success. The key is to look at them 10 years from now. What are they doing in ten years? Working at Hop Sang’s take out, Little Beijing Dry Cleaners etc. The few that are pseudo productive will be working as a general rate employee, basic salary and no frills, these are the insects you need to be careful of.
The China-man’s loyalty is not and never will be to the United States, England, Ukraine or anywhere their virus spreads, it’s always to the motherland. This heaving, pulsating mound of maggots sends economic assassins like missionaries who, one day, will simply plug a USB drive into the port of a computer at work and export that day and ongoing everything and anything your company innovates. They will read your emails for social engineering ammunition, they will update Trojans and RATS to seek out and exfiltrate and compromise sensitive data and this is just scratching the surface. They laugh as they are doing it and claim racism when they are caught. Those of you who think I’m being harsh are already or soon to be victims and you’ll get yours. If you hire them you are a fool, if the Chinese toxicity has already infiltrated your company, good luck, all you can do is monitor them so you catch them when they turn on you.
To keep from being a victim by the ultimate victimizer from the sickly east, you will need to do a few things. First, simply don’t hire them. If you’ve made the mistake in hiring them, all you can do is watch them and let them know that you are watching them. Perform forensics on their systems and the systems that their toxic hands touch regularly. Don’t tell others what you’re doing or why, they will try to play the race card (even though being Chinese is an Asian ethnicity and not a race and they are far more of a majority than we ever will be). Know full well that they will never assimilate into the American way of life but they will steel what they can before shipping themselves and their familial maggot mounds to another man’s shores to start the invasion and theft all over again.
Make no mistake, the Chinese are America’s most devious and severe nation state enemy, they’d cut off the head of your first born if they thought his neck possessed a business plan in which they could steel. They are disloyal and cannot be trusted, anything they touch initiates its demise and know this, all it takes is one click and your pwned. Malware is the gift that keeps giving after a China-man leaves our organization. They will steel, compromise and sell your data so fast your head will spin, take it from me, my company was just compromised by two Chinese interns we got from a local university. They had great grades and their professors vouched for them 100%. But after only 2 months they compromised our networks and those of our clients, sold client information for ID and financial theft on deep net forums and locked us out of our networks for 2 days. Total damage? $3.2 million! Like I said, steer clear of the Chinese cockroach!
from hacker samurai
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