Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Can 3D printing attract terrorist hackers as Israeli research indicates?

Hackers introduce faults in sensitive products such as drones that are produced by 3D printers, according to an exposé by researchers from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, South Alabama University and Singapore University of Technology and Design.

As 3D printing is expected to produce a huge amount of products in the future, security risks due to hackers would be a major Pandora’s box, according the team who warned that “bugs” produced in the computer could cause them to crash or otherwise be destroyed. The team produced a YouTube video ( in which they destroyed a $1,000 drone by breaking into a computer, identified the drafting file of the drone and introduced defects that cannot be detected in a visual examination. During flight tests, the defective propeller was broken when the drone ascended. As a result, it fell to the ground and crashed, causing irreparable damage.

It was only a $1,000 loss, the researchers said, but such cyber-attacks can cause much greater damage. According to the Wohler’s Report, an annual survey of 3D technology, last year the industry was worth $5.165 billion. For the full article click here 

from hacker samurai

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