About a month ago, Yahoo admitted that hackers had stolen details of over 500 million of its users in 2014. And WikiLeaks has been in the news the last few months as it has been releasing the “Podesta files” — emails exchanged between John Podesta, the chairman of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign, and a large number of Democratic Party leaders, including President Barack Obama.
Earlier this month, the U.S. officially blamed Russian hackers for targeting the Democratic Party, and a report in September warned that Russian hackers were targeting dozens of U.S. companies. Celebrities have had their photographs and other personal details stolen from online vaults and U.S. athletes had their medical records released. According to the Federal Trade Commission, there were over 42,000 cases of identity theft in January 2016 alone. The list goes on.
So, when national political parties and large multinational technology companies are not able to keep the hackers out, what is the average person to do to keep herself or himself safe online? For the full article click here
from hacker samurai http://ift.tt/2eMVelb
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