Tuesday 26 July 2016

FBI examining if hackers gained access to Clinton aides’ emails

WASHINGTON – The FBI investigation into the suspected state-sponsored Russian theft of emails and documents from the Democratic National Committee’s computer networks has expanded to determine if aides and organizations considered close to Hillary Clinton were also attacked, according to federal officials involved in the investigation.

But so far, a sampling of senior Clinton aides at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia found none who said they had been notified by the FBI or private investigators that their private emails had been compromised. At this point, law enforcement officials say, there is evidence only of attempts to gain access to those associates through “spear-phishing” attacks, often crude efforts to get someone to click on an email that releases malware into the computer.

The committee has said that Russia hacked into its computers and has been supported in its assertion by several private cybersecurity firms, including Crowdstrike, the company that investigated the committee’s breach. For the full article click here 

from hacker samurai http://ift.tt/29WWFjc

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